

2023 年初,一個分不清晨昏的清晨,我一手握著鐵尺,一手拿著放大鏡,全速逐句核對即將出版的《希臘占星學》中文版。徹夜工作的疲憊壓在肩上,但時間緊迫,不容鬆懈。就在此時,Outlook 信箱跳出一封意想不到的來信──NCGR 年鑑編輯 Leigh,她以「Favorite Techniques From NCGR Chapters」為主題,邀請我撰稿,一同分享獨門或偏愛的技法。我盯著信件片刻,腦中瞬間閃過無數的回憶,疲憊依舊,思緒卻已再次飛奔了起來。

該從何談起?大多數占星師應該都一樣吧?常用或慣用的技法很多,不會只有一種:小限法(profection)、回歸法(revolution)、次限推運法(secondary progression)、主限推運法(primary direction)、法達(firdaria)等。但如果換個角度來看──回顧我所知的占星歷史,最令我讚嘆的偉大發明有三項:

  • 宇宙誕生圖(thema mundi)──我認為,這是僅次於華夏太極圖的偉大發明。
  • 容納(reception)與互容(mutual reception)
  • 三分性主星(trigon lords)


這些深刻的領悟,源於我在 2014 ~2016年間(特別是2014年間),為取得 C.A., NCGR-PAA 四階認證所做的研究。表面上是為了認證,但對我而言,那是占星生涯中最為關鍵、收穫最多的時期。只因我渴望為自己的疑惑找到答案與真相。

最初的靈感來自一個大膽的假設:股票K線圖與股票上市盤的推進線圖具有關聯性。但當我埋首於八百多組股票上市盤與公司創立盤的分類比較,試圖分析兩支同日上市、日 K 線圖的走勢卻不同的原因時,意外地轉進了「埃及界與托勒密界的比較研究」(​​The Comparison of Egyptian Bounds and Ptolemy Terms​);因為我卡住了!!──埃及界與托勒密界,究竟哪套更有效?

由於「界」的定義與壽數預測有關,這使得研究方向隨之轉變,也變得更加錯綜複雜。在前期準備中,我必須從上千個 AA 級名人案例,逐一篩選出案主生卒時,主限推運上升點所坐落的埃及界和托勒密界,剛好由不同的行星擔任界主星。然後,依據傳記的詳細程度,備足一百個以上的樣本案例後,再繼續依下列的占星技術與流程進行測試:

  1. 依據星盤條件,從五項占星因子──太陽、月亮、上升點、幸運點及出生前月相──找出案主的生命主(hyleg);
  2. 從其生命主的三分性主星,找出壽主星(alcocoden);
  3. 衡量與壽主星相關的行星狀態,運用行星期間法(planetary periods)計算可能的壽數,並評估與死亡相關的關鍵行星。
  4. 觀察主限推運中,生命主或壽主星是否引動關鍵行星,或反之被引動。
  5. 輔以小限法與太陽回歸法複查其關悠度。
  6. 最後,才是進入埃及界與托勒密界的比較。




如西頓的都勒斯(Dorotheus of Sidon)於《占星五書》(Pentateuch)所言:


I tell you that everything which is decided or indicated is from the lords of the triplicities, and as for everything of afflictions and distress which reaches the people of the world and the totality of men, the lords of the triplicities decide it […]

──引用自Dorotheus of Sidon. Carmen Astrologicum (D. Pingree, Trans.). Astrology Classics,2005, p. 162.

此話絕非虛言,然而遺憾的是,都勒斯所留下的內容,多為詩詞短句,零散判斷,缺乏完整的推演邏輯,直到中世紀的烏瑪.塔巴里(Umar ibn al-Farrukhān al-Tabarī)依舊如此,像是只有看到答案,卻不知道答案怎麼來的?善意地猜想,或許是因為『篇幅有限』?




「壽數」是何等重要的議題?有尊貴的生命卻沒有壽數,便形同一台價值近億卻沒有動力開上路的超級跑車,再平坦的道路,也只能將車供俸在展示廳。在壽數預測的整體流程與技術中,三分性主星是第二順位的關鍵指標,即關乎「動力」。它不只拿來計算尊貴與否,事實上,仔細觀察便能發現──「三分性主星」是希臘化占星傳統中,站在所有時間主星推運技術(time-lord technique)的頂端。


基於道德倫理考量,我無法在此揭露壽數預估的判斷細則,特別是我改良後的邏輯方法。不過,就這項技術的擴展應用上,2022 年 2 月 19 日,我在 NCGR 台灣分會的線上講座「2022-2024 台灣趨勢大未來」,已是最佳證明。當時,我只用三分性主星法推演預測了台灣股市大盤於三年間的季度表現,且經過三年時間的等待,現已證實準確率達 75%。


以下內容節錄自我發表於美國 NCGR 占星研究協會《地心宇宙年鑑》2023 年夏季號(Geocosmic Journal 2023 Summer)第 35 頁的文章──〈Triplicity Rulers for Marriage: An Elegant and Reliable Technique〉。

這是我首次公開發表自己改良的技術核心架構和部分內容,然而,當時因全權授權美國 NCGR 總會新任助理編輯進行編修,卻出現圖片誤植及部分文字被修改後曲解原意的情況,留下了些許遺憾。因此,我在這裡附上中英文版本的原稿。雖然較為冗長,但較能完整正確地表達我的原意。

✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦  ✦










根據現存的歷史文獻,三分性主星的配置及其技法似乎源於希臘化占星傳統。其理論基礎主要來自兩個概念:(1) 區間(sect,以及每顆行星在各三角形中(即後來的三方星座),透過廟(domicile)與旺(exaltation)所擁有的主管權數量;(2) 行星的喜樂(the joys,這一概念是近期才被重新發現的。¹

每一組三方星座都被指派三顆主星,它們對於該組三方星座所職掌的主題,提供支持或助力。在希臘化占星傳統中,這些主星被稱為 「三角領主」(trigon lords),到了中世紀則演變為「三分性主星」(triplicity rulers)最終成為五大必然尊貴之一。



Figure 1: Triplicity Rulers


每組三分性都有兩顆主星。依據星盤屬於日間盤(diurnal chart)或夜間盤(nocturnal chart),主三分性主星(primary ruler)與次三分性主星(secondary ruler)會互換排序;而第三顆主星則作為協作主星(cooperating ruler)適用於兩區間。

舉例來說,如果某人出生於白天,其區間光體(sect light)為太陽。若太陽位在巨蟹座,則該星座的三分性主星為:

  • 主三分性主星:金星
  • 次三分性主星:火星
  • 末三分性主星:月亮


  • 主三分性主星:火星
  • 次三分性主星:金星
  • 末三分性主星:月亮




另一種常見、且為我個人偏好的應用方式是時間推算,即判定星盤所顯示的潛勢何時會具體展現。例如,「我何時會結婚?」 或 「我的未來會如何發展?」 這類問題,可透過三分性主星技法來解答。




  • 主三分性主星掌管人生的前半段
  • 次三分性主星掌管人生的後半段
  • 協作主星於兩個階段皆提供支持


  • 主三分性主星 掌管人生的前期
  • 次三分性主星 掌管人生的中期
  • 末三分性主星 掌管人生的晚年


  1. 該將人生劃分為兩階段還是三階段?每個階段對應多少年?這是一個關鍵問題,與生命長度和壽數推算有關,超出了本文的探討範圍。不過,這仍值得深思,畢竟,現代人的平均壽命已經比兩千年前翻倍,甚至三倍。
  2. 中世紀占星家們實際上在星盤中觀察到了什麼?從技術層面來看,這或許不是對錯之爭,而是我們能否透過實際案例,穩定且一致地驗證到這種劃分方式的有效性。



在婚姻相關的主題中,都勒斯主要依據金星及其三分性主星來作判斷,並輔以婚姻點(the lot of marriage)。³ 然而,我個人更傾向以第一宮與第七宮主星作為核心依據。


  • 都勒斯的計算方式為:
    • 男性:計算土星到金星的弧度
    • 女性:計算金星到土星的弧度
  • 瓦倫斯則依據區間:
    • 日間出生:計算木星到金星的弧度
    • 夜間出生:計算金星到木星的弧度

瓦倫斯在其著作Anthology第二卷 中,還列出了更多不同的計算公式。這些理論都有待驗證與實踐,因此在本文中,我不會納入希臘點的分析。



  • 宮位系統:主要使用 整宮制(whole sign houses),輔以象限宮位制(quadrant houses)作為顯示。
  • 占星因子:依據傳統七顆可見行星作判斷,三顆世代行星與小行星僅作為額外參考。
  • 相位設定:使用星座相位(sign-based aspects) 輔以容許度(orbs),但不考慮度數相位(degree-based aspects)。
  • 行星主管權:採用古典主星系統。

此外,基於象限宮位制的偶然尊貴(accidental dignities),對於評估行星力量及其在世俗層面的顯現極具參考價值。因此,我雖然使用整宮制,但仍會保留象限宮位制的星盤顯示。當參照整宮制時,我會使用「區位」(Place)一詞來表達。

為了清楚展示三分性主星的影響力,在接下來的案例分析中,我將排除界(bounds)、外觀(decans)、 世代行星小行星及希臘點等占星因子。


  1. 比較第一區位與第七區位的主星狀態,判斷此人是否容易締結婚姻,或是否可能在婚姻中面臨困難。
  2. 比較第一區位與第七區位的三分性主星,依據不同的人生階段進行配對,觀察其狀態與行星互動,以判斷哪個階段較有利於婚姻,或是否根本不太可能發生婚姻。
  3. 若第一區位與第七區位的主星之間沒有良好互動,則進一步檢視三分性主星是否與對應區位的星座主星產生正向互動。
  4. 如果第一區位與第七區位的主星顯示婚姻困難,即使三分性主星狀況良好,也僅能提供有限的助力。然而,若第一區位與第七區位的主星本身傾向婚姻結合,則三分性主星的影響可進一步強化潛勢,提升結婚的可能性。




  • 第一區位主星:月亮
  • 第七區位主星:土星


    • 月亮與土星偶然無力地落入象限第三宮;
    • 月亮在與土星合相前,先與水星形成六分相。

水星主管第十二區位,且位於太陽光束下(under the sun’s beams),暗示雖然有早婚的可能性,但暗中可能隱藏障礙,影響婚姻進程。


  • 月亮與火星呈現四分相,且月亮接納火星於巨蟹座,顯示兩者之間存在某種聯繫;
  • 然而,月亮無法完成與火星的相位,暗示婚姻不易正式落實;
  • 加之,火星從上升點升起,偶然無力地落入象限第十二宮,顯示這段關係可能帶有隱秘或非正式的性質,使得正式婚姻的可能性降低。


  • 金星位於處女座,屬於變動星座,本身帶有變化性質;
  • 金星入弱,落入第三區位;
  • 但是,金星為區間內(in sect),且為西入狀態;
  • 最關鍵的是,金星距離太陽約30度,擺脫了太陽射線的影響,以明亮的夜星(evening-star)姿態出現,顯示婚姻發生的機率相對較高;
  • 然而,水星為金星的定位星,這又帶回到先前月亮與水星關聯的問題,暗示婚姻過程可能複雜或充滿波折。


  • 解讀方式與主三分性主星(第一組)相似,同樣顯示兩者之間有聯繫,但婚姻難以順利確立。


梅根,薩塞克斯公爵夫人(Meghan, Duchess of Sussex)


出生時間:1981 年 8 月 4 日 04:46,

出生地點:美國加州卡諾加公園(Canoga Park, California)Rodden Rating:AA

梅根是一位美國電視女演員,英國王室成員,哈利王子(Prince Harry)之妻。

  • 2004 年(23 歲),梅根與美國電影製片人崔佛·恩格森(Trevor Engelson)開始交往,並於 2011 年(30 歲)結婚。
  • 2013 年 7 月分居,並於 2014 年 2 月辦理無過錯離婚(no-fault divorce)。
  • 之後,她與加拿大名廚兼餐廳經營者科里·維提洛(Cory Vitiello)展開同居關係,該關係於 2016 年 5 月(34 歲)結束。
  • 2016 年,她與哈利王子交往,並於 2018 年(36 歲)結婚。



Every predictive technique has its own strengths and limitations, as we can only observe and analyze the focal points and indications provided by each technique. By integrating this information, we infer an individual’s potential, life tendencies, and possible developments. Therefore, when it comes to my preferred techniques in astrological work, I often rely on the core methods that are most reliable and effective for discernment in consultations and batch research, allowing for conclusive judgments.

Perhaps due to cultural differences, I frequently encounter clients seeking predictive insights. This is not to say that Asian clients are less interested in spirituality and personal growth; rather, they focus on how this art and knowledge can be actualized and supportive in their real lives. For example, they ask about career choices, marriage, wealth, etc. They tend to openly discuss inner conflicts and seek deeper insights only after their practical life concerns have been addressed and improved.

For the reasons mentioned above and after studying a large number of cases, I have found that the technique of Triplicity Rulers has always been an indispensable core method in making conclusive judgments. It can be effectively applied in conjunction with the most frequently used techniques, such as Profections, Solar Returns, and Secondary Progressions. Triplicity Rulers can clearly highlight key focal points in predictive charts that should not be overlooked.

In this article, I will briefly introduce the basic method of Triplicity Rulers and demonstrate how I personally apply it in predicting marriage (preferably getting married). I will first conduct the demonstration anonymously, without revealing the names or identities of the individuals involved, to invite readers to explore this method with me. Finally, readers can refer to the information and brief introduction provided at the end as a form of validation. I am certain you will find it both fascinating and insightful.

The Origin of Triplicity Rulers

According to surviving historical sources, the assignment of triplicity rulers and the technique itself appear to originate from the Hellenistic tradition. It is based on two rationales: (1) sect, and the number of rulerships each planet has in each triplicity group through domicile and exaltation, and (2) the joys of planets, which was discovered more recently.¹ Each triplicity group is assigned three ruling planets that provide support or assistance to the topics governed by that group. These rulers were called “Trigon Lords” in the Hellenistic tradition and later became known as “Triplicity Rulers” in the medieval period, eventually becoming one of the five essential dignities.

The Scheme of Triplicity Rulers

It is unclear who originally devised the scheme of triplicity rulership. Researchers have identified two different schemes in historical sources—one attributed to Dorotheus and Valens, and the other to Ptolemy. The key difference between the two lies in the triplicity rulers assigned to the water signs.

In my personal practice and experience, results often align with Dorotheus’s scheme, which I have found to be consistently validated. 

Figure 1: Triplicity Rulers

Each triplicity has two rulers that alternate in priority—either primary or secondary—depending on whether the chart is a day (diurnal) or night (nocturnal) chart. The third ruler remains common to both sects, acting as a cooperative influence.

For example, if an individual is born during the daytime, their sect light will be the Sun. If the Sun is in Cancer, the triplicity rulers will be:

  • Primary: Venus
  • Secondary: Mars
  • Third: Moon

If the individual is born at night, their sect light will be the Moon. If the Moon is in Cancer, the triplicity rulers will be:

  • Primary: Mars
  • Secondary: Venus
  • Third: Moon

The primary and secondary rulers must be reversed according to the sect of the chart.

The Use of Triplicity Rulers

In general, triplicity rulership is used to assess the strength of a planet. For example, in a diurnal chart, if Leo rules the 10th house and the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are all in Leo, Saturn—being the cooperating ruler of the Fire triplicity—will still be in detriment in Leo, but its condition will be relatively moderate compared to being in detriment in Cancer. It will respond or contribute “favorably” to every criterion of the house ruled by the Fire sign and may provide assistance to that domain depending on its other astrological conditions.

Another common use of triplicity rulers, which I personally prefer, is in timing techniques—indicating when the potential outlined in the chart will manifest. For example, questions such as “When will I get married?” or “What will my future be like?” can be addressed using this technique.

For questions about fortune and overall life patterns, this technique can be applied by analyzing the triplicity rulers of the sect light—the Sun for a diurnal birth chart and the Moon for a nocturnal birth chart. Carefully examining each ruler allows for an understanding of life conditions and timing from a broader perspective.

The Problem of Time Frames

The method of time division remains a topic of debate. According to surviving historical sources, Dorotheus advised dividing the time frame into two parts:

  • The primary ruler governs the first part of life.
  • The secondary ruler governs the later part of life.
  • The cooperating ruler provides support throughout both periods.

However, due to a mistranslation in the Arabic version of Dorotheus’s work,² the Medieval tradition evolved to divide the time frame into three parts:

  • The primary ruler governs the first part of life.
  • The secondary ruler governs the middle part of life.
  • The cooperating ruler governs the final part of life.

This raises two important questions:

  1. Whether to divide life into two or three parts, how many years does each part represent?
    This is a crucial question, potentially linked to one’s lifespan and longevity—topics beyond the scope of this article. However, it remains an important consideration. After all, modern life expectancy has doubled or even tripled compared to conditions two thousand years ago.
  2. What did medieval astrologers actually observe in the chart?
    Technically, this may not be a question of right or wrong but rather whether we can consistently observe and validate these divisions through practical examples.

I will leave this question open for the reader to consider based on the following examples.

Triplicity Rulers on the Topic of Marriage

For the topic of marriage, Dorotheus primarily bases his judgment on the condition of Venus and its triplicity rulers, supplemented by the Lots related to the topic.³ However, I personally prefer to focus on the rulers of the 1st and 7th places.

Additionally, astrologers hold significant differences in the calculation of the Lot of Marriage. Dorotheus measures from Saturn to Venus for males and from Venus to Saturn for females, while Valens measures from Jupiter to Venus for diurnal births and from Venus to Jupiter for nocturnal births. Furthermore, his second book provides even more variations in calculation. These theories require verification and practical application; therefore, in this article, the use of Lots will not be considered.

Personal Preference

The general technical principles I prefer are as follows:

  • House System: Primarily Whole Sign Houses, supplemented with Quadrant Houses (Placidus) for chart display.
  • Astrological Points: Judgment is based on the traditional seven visible planets, with the three outer generational planets and asteroids considered as additional references.
  • Aspect Set: Uses sign-based aspects as well as orbs, but does not consider degree-based aspects.
  • Planetary Rulership: Uses traditional rulerships.

The quadrant house system effectively represents the relative positions between the observer’s geographical location and the sky.. Additionally, accidental dignities based on planetary placement in quadrant houses are highly useful in assessing planetary strength and its manifestation in the mundane world. Therefore, while I primarily use the Whole Sign House system, I retain chart displays in the Quadrant House system. When referring to the Whole Sign House system, I will use the term “place”.

To demonstrate the effects of triplicity rulers clearly, I will exclude the astrological factors of bounds and decans, as well as generational planets, asteroids, and Lots in the following examples.

My Preferred Methods

  1. Compare the conditions of the rulers of the 1st and 7th places to determine whether the individual is prone to marriage union or likely to face difficulties in marriage.
  2. Compare each triplicity ruler of the 1st and 7th places by pairing them according to different life stages, observing their condition and planetary interactions to determine which stage is more favorable for marriage or whether marriage is unlikely to occur at all.
  3. If no positive interaction occurs between the rulers, examine whether the triplicity ruler has a positive interaction with the sign ruler of the other place.
  4. If the rulers of the 1st and 7th places indicate difficulties in marriage, then even a favorable triplicity ruler condition will provide limited help. However, if the rulers of the 1st and 7th places indicate a tendency for marriage union, the influence of triplicity rulers can further optimize the potential, increasing the likelihood of marriage.

The following seven cases have been randomly selected for this article. The subsequent demonstrations will not include the names of the individuals. However, their names, along with a brief biography of their personal life and marriage, will be listed at the end.

Example 1

Female. Nocturnal Chart.

  • The 1st place ruler: The Moon
  • The 7th place ruler: Saturn

Saturn is a malefic in a nocturnal chart, but here it is moderate and relatively positive because it is in sect by sign and hemisphere. The Moon is adhering to Saturn in Libra, located in the 4th place. Saturn is increasing in speed, indicating an urge from the partner to form an intimate, family-like relationship. However:

  1. The Moon and Saturn accidentally fall into the quadrant 3rd house.
  2. Before the Moon completes its conjunction with Saturn, it will first sextile Mercury.

Mercury rules the 12th place and is under the Sun’s beams, suggesting that while an early marriage union is possible, hidden obstacles could secretly affect the process.

1st Triplicity Rulers: Mars and Moon

  • The Moon squares Mars and receives Mars in Cancer, indicating some form of contact between them.
  • However, the Moon will not complete the aspect with Mars, suggesting that marriage would not easily be finalized.
  • Additionally, Mars rises from the Ascendant but accidentally falls into the quadrant 12th house, indicating a secret or informal relationship, making formal marriage unlikely.

2nd Triplicity Rulers: Venus

  • Venus falls in Virgo, a mutable sign, which inherently introduces changes.
  • Venus is debilitated by fall, positioned in the 3rd place.
  • However, Venus is in sect by sign, though in an inferior phase.
  • Most importantly, Venus is about 30 degrees away from the Sun, meaning she is free from the Sun’s rays and appears as a bright evening star. This suggests a high probability of marriage.
  • However, Mercury, which disposes Venus, ties back to the earlier issue regarding the relationship between the Moon and Mercury, indicating a complex or tortuous process in marriage.

3rd Triplicity Rulers: Moon and Mars

  • The interpretation is similar to that of the 1st Triplicity Ruler pairing.

Example 1: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex5

Marriage: Two times

Born on 4 August 1981 at 04:46, Canoga Park, California.
Rodden Rating: AA

Meghan is an American television actress, the wife of Prince Harry, and a member of the British royal family.

  • Meghan began dating American film producer Trevor Engelson in 2004 (Age 23) and married him in 2011 (Age 30).
  • The couple separated in July 2013 and finalized a no-fault divorce in February 2014.
  • She subsequently had a live-in relationship with Canadian celebrity chef and restaurateur Cory Vitiello, which ended in May 2016 (Age 34).
  • Later in 2016, she began a relationship with Prince Harry, and they married in 2018 (Age 36).



Please note: The above content is excerpted from the first half of the original manuscript.


  1. Chris Brennan, Hellenistic Astrology, pp.268-269.
  2. Carmen Astrologicum: The ‘Umar al-Tabari, trans. Bejamin Dyke, pp.47-48.
  3. Dorotheus of Sidon, Carmen Astrologicum, trans. David Pingree, P.197
  4. Vettius Valens, Anthology, trans. Mark Riley, P.105
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meghan,_Duchess_of_Sussex







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作者:瑪碁斯(Maki S. Zhai)

智者星象學院院長,美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會創會會長,同時也是,華人首位取得C.A., NCGR- PAA最高位階專業認證占星師 ,並積極推動NCGR-PAA專業占星師認證輔導。

美國開普勒占星學院畢業,Jim Lewis A*C*G地理換置專業認證占星師,全時專職專攻占星學,從事占星諮詢及教學近二十年(計2024年底為止),主要從古典占星、現代占星與靈魂占星三個面向,萃取出對個案內在成長與生涯規劃最具實用性的輔導建言,擅長出生時間校正、地理換置占星、職涯占星、中世紀擇時,同時致力於推動「理性思辨、實務驗證」的學術精神。

她創辦了智者星象學院,專注於專業占星教育,並帶領學院編譯團隊,將重要的西方占星著作翻譯成中文,包括迪米特拉·喬治的《占星與真我》《四女神星》,克里斯·布里南的《希臘占星學》,以及近期約翰.弗勞利的《卜卦占星教科書》《賽事占星學》。 她個人的研究項目包括「埃及界和托勒密術界的比較研究」、「動態相位法:行星的速度、光和日相周期」、「諮詢應用技巧:三王星回朔法」和「生命之樹:容納技法之於壽數的計算」 。

