
Guidelines for the Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas and Complaints.



An ethical dilemma is a problem that an astrologer is having in deciding on an ethically proper course of action. This could have to do with a particular situation confronting the astrologer, or with ethical conduct in general. There may be a question about interpreting a particular section of the code, about resolving a difficult ethics-related situation, or about resolving a conflict between two different sections of the code. An Ethics Resolution Coordinator (i.e., a member of the Ethics Resolution Committee) serves as a resource for resolving dilemmas. When an NCGR member is faced with an ethical dilemma, he or she may seek help from anyone, but the Coordinator will offer advice when asked. It is to be understood that such inquiries are for the NCGR member’s own information so that they can make up their own mind as to what to do. They are under no requirement to follow the Coordinator’s advice. The Coordinator is offering advice, not dictating conduct. It is also to be understood that all inquiries are considered absolutely confidential. For added assurance of confidentiality, an NCGR member may seek advice through a friend or colleague speaking on their behalf. The goal here is to help to raise the level of ethical awareness among NCGR members through open discussion of problems.



A complaint is a request for assistance from someone such as a client or student who feels there has been unethical conduct by an NCGR member. The job of the Ethics Resolution Coordinator is only to resolve complaints. He or she cannot be the one to lodge a complaint. The Coordinator is not a policeman. Generally, complaints can be of 3 types: 1) personal, 2) general, and 3) third party.

投訴是指如客戶或學生等人因認為NCGR會員有不當行為,向協會請求協助。倫理解決協調員的工作僅限於處理投訴,他/她無法提出申訴。協調員並非執法者。一般來說,投訴分為三種:1) 個人投訴,2) 一般性投訴,(3)非關係的第三人。


  1. Personal complaints come from a person who is personally and directly affected by the actions or statements in question. In an informal discussion with the person making the complaint, the Coordinator first determines if the complaint is covered by the code, and which sections of the code may be relevant. The Coordinator then discusses with the complainant various informal options for resolving the issue. For example, the complainant may simply decide to have the Coordinator bring the matter to the attention of the astrologer in question. Or, if the complainant feels more strongly, the Coordinator may offer to set up a mediation session to resolve the matter. At this stage the Coordinator acts as an objective middle person between the two parties involved. If an informal solution is not workable or acceptable to the complainant, a formal complaint can be initiated. However, the Coordinator should make every effort to find an informal solution first.

1. 個人投訴來自那些因某些行為或言論而直接受影響的人。在與投訴人進行非正式討論時,協調員會首先判斷該投訴是否屬於倫理守則範圍,以及與倫理守則中的哪些部分相關。接著,協調員會與投訴人討論幾種非正式的解決方案。例如,投訴人可能只想讓協調員把問題反映給相關占星師。如果投訴人覺得問題較為嚴重,協調員可提議安排調解會議來解決問題。此時,協調員作為雙方的客觀中立者,倘若非正式方案無法實施或投訴人不接受,則可以正式提出投訴,但協調員應先盡力找到非正式的解決方案。


  1. General complaints can come from anyone acting on behalf of the public at large regarding things that affect groups of people in general rather than someone in particular, such as false advertising or unethical public statements. The first step here is to collect the facts and evaluate whether or not the complaint is covered by the ethics code. If so, the Coordinator then tries to make informal contact with the member in question to discuss the matter. In this informal context the coordinator tries to work out an acceptable solution. The Coordinator acts here as representative of the board of directors with full authority to resolve the matter. The Coordinator’s acceptance of an informal solution will be considered acceptable to the NCGR board of directors as well. If an informal solution is not worked out, the coordinator discusses the matter with the Executive Committee to decide upon more formal action. This can include a letter of concern, warning or censure, or in a very serious case, a formal hearing or revocation of membership


  1. Complaints might also come from a third party regarding someone else, such as an astrologer who hears about a potential ethical violation through a client. The Ethics Resolution Committee cannot act on this. A third party complaint that cannot be verified by the person directly involved must be considered hearsay. However, a coordinator may be able to arrange through the third party for the person directly affected to come forth with their complaint in a way that feels safe to them. In fact the coordinator should make every effort to do so. Then the matter can be handled as a personal complaint.

3.投訴可能來自與某人有關的第三方,例如一位占星師從客戶那聽到一個可能違反倫理的事件。倫理解決委員會不能對此行動。如果不能確認第三方投訴人和特定 人士有關,則該投訴只能被認定為傳聞。然而,協調員可透過第三方安排,讓直接受到影響的人以他們感到安全的方式提出投訴。實際上,協調員應盡一切努力促成此事,進而將該問題作為個人投訴處理。